Parent/Student Resources » Who Can Attend RDA

Who Can Attend RDA

Courses at RDA are open to all students enrolled in the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades at Byrnes, Dorman and Woodruff High Schools. Enrollment for each program is limited. Admission priorities will be determined by grade level and prerequisite requirements for each course.

To enroll in a course at RDA, a student should receive a course request form during registration at the home high school. This form should be completed and returned to the guidance office in the high school by the designated date. Students may confer with the career center counselor prior to registration. The career center counselor, in cooperation with the high school counselor, will assist the student in recognizing goals, interests, and abilities by reviewing the student’s Individual Graduation Plan (IGP).

Enrollment questions will be resolved by considering: career plans for the student; grade level; and student academic, attendance and discipline records. RDA does not deny access to any program; however, a student may not receive his/her first choice due to over enrollment. Second and third choices are usually available. The Director of the Center, with the approval of Superintendents of Districts Four, Five and Six, will deal with unique questions involving enrollment.