Gene Haas Donates $8,000 to RDA

The Gene Haas Foundation has donated $8,000 to R.D. Anderson Applied Technology Center to support scholarships for students pursuing advanced manufacturing degrees.
"We are very fortunate and grateful to The Gene Haas Foundation for ensuring that RDA can help students interested in pursuing careers in advanced manufacturing," said Sherri Yarborough, director of R.D. Anderson Applied Technology Center. "Their generosity allows us to give students a secure future and help them take advantage of the opportunities that exist."

The Gene Haas Foundation was created by the owner of California-based Haas Automation in 1999 to fund deserving charities. Haas is committed to the importance of manufacturing in the United States and to focusing, through his charitable efforts, on manufacturing education and grants for scholarships for students entering the field.
Picture of RDA students smiling